This page has grammar exercises related to teaching modal verbs or modal auxiliaries. Rowling-the famous author of "Harry Potter" Books. English Grammar,English Grammar,modals, modal verbs, auxiliaries. Click on the links below to try the exercises. I will use it on Monday!!!!!!!!Ī reading and comprehension activities about J. The modal verbs exercises at learnEnglish-online help you practice using modal verbs for different reasons. Well.this is my small contribution to the PAST SIMPLE and PAST CONTINUOUS. Modal verbs exercise learning English grammar. Modal verbs examples and uses English grammar. To view any of the lessons below click on link.
So weve started a short series of videos to help you. To view the answers click on the link Modal verbs of ability exercise part 2.

Online activity to revise the Verb to ´be´ : am/is/are. Modal verbs such as might, can, would and should are often difficult for English language learners. Students fill in the gaps with the information provided. Some basic usage rules are supplied for students to check the difference in use. Three graded exercises to practise the difference between these two tenses - a) multiple choice b) completing sentences c) verb search + table filling. In the second exercise, there are 24 sentences students have to complete with the present continuous or the present simple. In the first one, students choose the right option to build affirmative and negative sentences in the present continuous/ look at the pictures and fill in the gaps with the present continuous. There are two types of exercises: multiple choice and gap-filling. This material consists of 2 exercises and provides 59 examples of Past Simple to practice. Some exercises to revise the verb to be in the three forms: affirmative, negative and interrogative.

I hope you will like teaching these grammar topics with my online exercises. Present Simple and Plural Activities./Grammar Online Test Vocabulary games and worksheets generator.